Effective Strategies for Low Back Pain - 8CE
This covers quick, easy, and effective strategies for the most common causes of low back pain, This is a detailed course covering both direct and indirect anatomical structures that affect the function of the lumbar region. I strongly advise reviewing you anatomy before class. Participants will gain a better understanding of lumbar structures, how they work together, and how dysfunction in particular area creates symptoms. Trigger point formation, and how that limits both muscle and fascial function is also covered. Neuromuscular Re-education of malfunctioning systems is included to reset and optimize muscle memory and function.
June 25, 2017 $150
at Monroe Aquatic Center
Effective strategies for Low Back Pain - 8CE $150
Call Carmen Lazenby to register, 704-221-5872 or e-mail massage@monroenc.org
The Aquatic Center is a bit south of Charlotte. It's a big facility, and everyone who attends can make use of the facility, free. Lots of food close by, and the Best Western across the street gives people attending a class at the Aquatic Center a nice discounted rate if you need or want to stay overnight.
Class starts at 8am sharp, Lunch is on your own at 12pm for 1:15 min. we're done at 5:15p.
Carmen can tell you if you need to bring your table, based on how many sign up for the class. Please bring sheets, a bolster (4-6"), a small pillow for your head, and your lotion. We will be working from roughly T12 down to the knee, so for ladies I recommend a top with a shelf bra built in (or a sport bra) and shorts that are loose or stretchy enough to slide to your hips. The same sort of stretchy shorts & t-shirt for men. This class is fairly technical, brushing up on your anatomy is a good idea. Class maximum, 16.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Title:____________________________________________________ License # _______________
Street: ______________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _____________________
Phones: (W) ________________________________ (C) _____________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Payment options:
2) Preferred method of payment: Check.
Make Check payable to Massage At Monroe and mail to:
Massage At Monroe, 2325 Hanover Dr, Monroe NC 28110.
3) Credit Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ / _ _ 3 digit code on reverse _ _
Signature (I agree to Grand Total charges above) Fax to 704 282 4683
For any additional questions or registration by phone please call Carmen at 704 221 5872.