KT1 Fundamental Concepts, Screening/Muscle Test, & Muscle Applications (To be taken in conjunction with KT2)
The KT1 course is designed to introduce practitioners to the Kinesio Taping® Method. Over the course of this 8 hour class, the instructor will discuss the fundamental concepts of the Kinesio® Taping Method and the unique properties and use of Kinesio® Tex Tape. During lab sessions, attendees will have ample time to practice screening and muscle testing created for the enhancement of your KT skills and muscle applications for both the upper and lower body. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to discuss and apply the Kinesio® Taping Method to relax overuse syndromes, stimulate weak muscles, and decrease pain and swelling. In addition to instruction provided by a Certified Kinesio Taping Instructor (CKTI), the attendee will receive 2 full-color Kinesio Taping® Workbooks (KT1 Workbook 1) to augment their training. Each attendee also receives 60 day membership to the Kinesio Taping® Association which includes access to a reference data base.
KT2 Advanced Concepts & Corrective Techniques (Pre-requisite, completion of KTA approved KT1 course)
The KT2 course builds on material learned in KT1. During this 8 hour class, the instructor will introduce the six Correc-tive Techniques (Mechanical, Functional, Space, Fascia, Ligament/Tendon, and Lymphatic) and discuss their applica-tion in a variety of clinical conditions. During lab sessions, attendees will have ample time to practice applying these techniques to a variety of upper and lower body conditions. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to discuss and apply the KT Method to orthopedic & neurological conditions. Attendees will receive Workbook 2 (KT Cor-rectional Techniques and Clinical Applications) to augment their training.
KT3 Clinical Concepts. (Pre-requisite, completion of KTA approved KT1 and KT2 courses)
The KT3 course combines KT1 & KT2 coursework with extra lab time for attendees to practice their skills on a variety of clinical applications. KT3 can be designed to allow the CKTI to cater towards specific practitioner protocols, clinical applications, and practitioner population and address specific professions (pediatrics, hand therapy, sports medicine, chiropractic, etc.) or clinical conditions (stroke, scoliosis, lymphedema, etc.). KT3 can also be set up as a general orthopedic course and may incorporate any or all of the following: unusual tapings, variations on standard tapings, problem solving, and “live patients”. Upon completion of this course and prerequisite KT1 & KT2 seminar, attendees will be eligible to request and take the exam to become a Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP). Note: Students can request to take the exam but will not be eligible to receive a CKTP certificate until they graduate.
Kinesio Taping Registration Form 2019.
Massage At Monroe, 2325 Hanover Dr. Monroe, NC 28110 704 221 5872
Name: ______________________________________Title: ___________ License # ______________
Street: ______________________________________City: __________________________________
State: _______________Zip: __________________ Email: __________________________________
Phones: (W) ___________________________________(C)__________________________________
(Early registration 3 weeks prior to class)
May 17,18 KT 1 & 2 16 hours $549 _______
May 19 KT3 8 hours $249 _______
August 10,11 KT 1 & 2 16 hours $549 _______
September 21,22 KT 1 & 2 16 hours $549 _______
October 26,27 Express 20 hours $749 _______
Payment options:
2) Preferred method of payment: Check.
Make Check payable to Massage At Monroe and mail to:
Massage At Monroe, 2325 Hanover Dr, Monroe NC 28110.
3) Credit Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ / _ _ 3 digit code on reverse _ _
Signature (I agree to Grand Total charges above) Fax to 704 282 4683
For any additional questions or registration by phone please call Carmen at 704 221 5872.